Sunday, March 22, 2009


L. I. T.

Or what i call
Lameness In the Toilet

Yes I know it's me being lame too.. but meh..

Archimedes yelled "Eureka!" when he discovered what is now known as Archimede's Principle, and went running out of his bathroom into the streets naked.

And we have people probably went "AHHHHhhhhh..." after a big lump of poop was unloaded and then with that release of tension in the bowel, enlightenment came and they discovered definitions to some words/abbreviations or something about themselves (talk about self discovery)..

For instance:

AIDS: Arsehole Injected Death Sentence

GAY: Got AIDS Yet?

I seriously never knew the past tense of 'shit' is 'shat'. Thanks for letting me know.

Ok this one is probably too blur to be legible.
It says "I feel tough writing on toilet walls".

=/ I guess now I'm as lame as them for doing this but whatever.. I'm just bored.


  1. seriously... you looked gayer than ever after this post

  2. lol boredom leads to increased gayness? =S
    i guess i shall just play more games and study instead of getting bored then
