Sunday, May 3, 2009

die liao

I seriously don't know how to study for Process Engineering Materials -_____-

Notes are shit. What's with powerpoint slides converted into pdf files with explanatory diagrams stacking on each other and also covering the descriptions up? Pfft

Tuts only cover like 1/5 of what each lecture has to say, which spells "sucky".

Textbook is so f***ing huge, I'd hail myself already if I manage to read half of the chapters that are included in the exam.

This unit is officially screwed (not that I didn't know since week 1 :/)

Chi Phan? CHI SHI (吃屎) LA MCH


  1. dailo oble, i have heard chem engi is the hardest subject around, pls kor kor, don't scare me any further :/

  2. lol. i heard chem eng is one of the hardest, if not the hardest, engineering stream of all around here -_-

    gl hf to both of us =D
