Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Heart-not Matlab

Take me down to the Paradise City, where the grass is green and there's no programming~


I seriously don't like to use Matlab (a software that kind of combines programming and mathematical computations). I'm just not into dealing with programming and writing algorithms to compute mathematical questions. Booooo :(

This freaking assignment, AND the Heat Transfer assignment are both killing me (and my mates as well lolz..). Me is not happy with that :(

Any Matlab pros come help us please?? I have cookies ._.

Moreover, our - or at least my - "beloved" teaching team for this particular subject is totally not helpful at all in teaching us how to use Matlab. How in the world are we supposed to learn this without YOU FRIGGIN' LECTURERS/TUTORS actually explaining to us how it works instead of shoving our face RIGHT INTO HELP FILES that are written in 4L13N?? Most brilliant of all, when we ask the tutor during the computer lab for guidance, he either asks us back the exact same question we asked him, or FUCKING GRINS AND THEN DO NOTHING??

Seriously.. FML, and Fuck This Subject.

Dear Mr. Lecturer

I am sorry but you are just not suitable to educate chemical engineering undergraduates. Could you kindly quit the teaching job and just go focus on your researches, or just go bury yourself alive for getting paid by the University to just fail to educate your students.

Dear Mr. Tutor

Go fuck yourself.

Yours Sincerely


  1. Dude, i know exactly how you feel. My Matlab lecturer AND the lab assistant acted exactly the same friggin way. Lucky i had it in my first sem. Poor oble...

  2. Phew luckily I don't have to use Matlab...YET. But seriously, I've faced problems like you with some stupid accounting programme as well and the lecturer is such AN ASSSSSSSSSSSHOOOOOOOOLEEEEE!!!!!
    Screw all asshole lecturers and tutors!! :)

  3. Lol.. I still have another assignment that needs to use Matlab as well.. >_> fml..

    and oilly, Amen to your last line X)
    but didn't know business course needs to use Matlab also o.O
